Before and After school

Before and After School Service

At Newcastle N.S. there are a number of child care providers in the locality who work very closely with our school.

A before and after school service is provided by some local preschool schools.

Both services drop pupils to the school in the morning and collect them again from the gate when school finishes.

Details below of providers

Gcroí óg Afterschool-

provides both breakfast and afterschool club located in Newcastle Centre (beside school)

Open 7am- 6pm Monday to Friday

contact Mags on 0861780592 or email for more information

Tots Paradise

Provides both breakfast and afterschool club -located in Montpelier, Athenry, Co. Galway, H65 H702

Open 7am- 6pm Monday to Friday

contact Denise on 0877144630 or visit for more details